We have two poles of activities: Pole Consulting & Project Management and Pole Training/Coaching.

We mainly cover four sectors:

cosmetics & luxury industry, consumer goods, tourism & leisure and telecommunications.

1. Definition & implementation of “Go-to-market” strategy
Market Research: trends and perspectives, customer needs and segmentation, benchmarking, distribution channels, legal environment, due diligence studies
Feasibility Analysis and Business Plan: barriers to entry, strength and weakness, return on investment and risk assessment, business plan modeling
Definition & implementation of market entry or development strategy: differentiation, brand name translation, brand or business development, marketing & communication plan, distribution channels, partnership building, launch of a new product or service, government relations, associated action plan, project management, etc.
2. Definition & implementation of Digital strategy

Analysis of the current situation of your digital strategy, presence and competitiveness; proposals on areas of improvement

Definition of your brand’s distinctive positioning and key messages to your target customers

Definition and implementation of the action plan: e-marketing campaigns and phases, selection or management of digital platforms, design and realization of content, recommendation of “Key Opinion Leaders”, partnerships with media or other players, project coordination, communication between the headquarter and the subsidiaries, follow-up of results, etc.


Selection of e-commerce platforms or partners

Support for setting up online sales and product promotion, communication and follow-up with partners

3. Partnership building or management
Screening and assessment of potential partners (joint-venture partners; importers, distributors or business partners; acquisition targets for investors): synergy, value convergence, operational consistency, credibility and performance of potential partners
Connecting with selected partners
Assistance in negotiations and the conclusion of partnership agreements

Daily management of partnership projects in a multicultural context

Organization of high-level business events or company visits

Whatever your sector of activity, we help you enhance the effectiveness of your management and collaboration in an intercultural environment; and also improve your knowledge of the Chinese or French / European markets.

Our standard training modules can be further adjusted to each client’s specific needs

We have a more detailed program for each module (upon request).

We are referenced by DataDock in France.

1. Standard training modules

Training for the French or the Westerners
Module 1: Understanding the fundamentals of Chinese or Asian culture and its impact on the business (2-4h)
Module 2: Communicating and collaborating effectively with the Chinese or Asians (1 day)
Module 3: Preparing for expatriation to China (1-2 days)
Module 4: Succeeding in the Chinese digital market (1/2 – 1 day):
Module 5 : Welcoming Chinese or Asian clients or business partners (1/2 -1 day)
Training for the Chinese or the Asians
Module 6: Understanding the fundamentals of French culture and its impact on the business (2-4h)
Module 7: Communicating and collaborating effectively with the French or Westerners (1 day)
Module 8 : Preparing for expatriation to France (1-2 days)
Module 9 : Succeeding in business negotiations with Westerners (1/2 -1 day)
Module 10 : Succeeding in investment, market entry and development in France (1 day)
Training for all
Module 11 : Intercultural integration (or “team building”) workshop (1/2 – 1 day)
Module 12 : Succeeding in public speaking (1/2 day)

Illustration : Pourquoi les Chinois n’aiment-ils pas dire « Non » ? (Why don’t the Chinese like to say “No”?) (2017)

2. Tailor-made training and coaching

Training or coaching program specially designed for you, according to your specific needs and expectations

A bridge between

China and Europe